Thorium Mod Wiki
Hayaku (talk | contribs)
mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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.page__main::before {
display: block;
content: "THIS WIKI IS NO LONGER OFFICIAL.\A As of March 25th,\0020 2022,\0020 this wiki is no longer the official wiki for the Thorium Mod. It is no longer maintined by its admins;\0020 as such,\0020 please consider all the information on this wiki deprecated,\0020 outdated,\0020 and prone to errors.";
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-size: 110%;
text-align: center;
border: 2px solid var(--theme-alert-color);
border-radius: 0.5em;
padding: 1em 2em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.wiki-page-header::before {
display: block;
content: "THIS WIKI IS NO LONGER OFFICIAL.\A As of March 25th,\0020 2022,\0020 this wiki is no longer the official wiki for the Thorium Mod. It is no longer maintined by its admins;\0020 as such,\0020 please consider all the information on this wiki deprecated,\0020 outdated,\0020 and prone to errors.";
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-size: 110%;
line-height: 1.6;
border: 2px solid var(--theme-alert-color);
padding: 1em 2em;
margin-bottom: 1em;

Revision as of 05:56, 23 June 2022

.page__main::before {
	display: block;
	content: "THIS WIKI IS NO LONGER OFFICIAL.\A As of March 25th,\0020 2022,\0020 this wiki is no longer the official wiki for the Thorium Mod. It is no longer maintined by its admins;\0020 as such,\0020 please consider all the information on this wiki deprecated,\0020 outdated,\0020 and prone to errors.";
	white-space: pre-wrap;
	font-size: 110%;
	text-align: center;
	border: 2px solid var(--theme-alert-color);
	border-radius: 0.5em;
	padding: 1em 2em;
	margin-bottom: 1em;

.wiki-page-header::before {
	display: block;
	content: "THIS WIKI IS NO LONGER OFFICIAL.\A As of March 25th,\0020 2022,\0020 this wiki is no longer the official wiki for the Thorium Mod. It is no longer maintined by its admins;\0020 as such,\0020 please consider all the information on this wiki deprecated,\0020 outdated,\0020 and prone to errors.";
	white-space: pre-wrap;
	font-size: 110%;
	line-height: 1.6;
	border: 2px solid var(--theme-alert-color);
	padding: 1em 2em;
	margin-bottom: 1em;

 * CSS placed here will be applied to all skins, 
 * but won't be applied to mobile view.
 * Therefore, some rules need to be repeated in mobile.css.
.skin-hydra {
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/* -- Hide page title on main page----------------------------------- */ h1.firstHeading {
	display: none; 
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Add diff accent to make even smaller changes visible ---------- */
.diffchange-inline {
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Auto line separators for tables ------------------------------- */
table.lined td {
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table.lined tr:last-of-type td,
table.lined td.noline, table.lined tr.noline td {
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table.cellborder td,
table.cellborder th {
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Hack for using "border-collapse" and "border-radius" in the same table display using one table nested within another */	
table.outer {
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table.inner {
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/* Seems to not be needed
table.inner th {
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/* ------------------ */

/* -- fix 100% width table with border ------------------------------ */
table {
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Other "plaincollapse" styling --------------------------------- */
/* Removes brackets from collapse/expand links for collapsible elements with "plaincollapse" class specified */
.plaincollapse > .mw-collapsible-toggle {
	color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
.plaincollapse > .mw-collapsible-toggle > a,
.plaincollapse > .mw-collapsible-toggle > a:link,
.plaincollapse > .mw-collapsible-toggle > a:visited,
.plaincollapse > .mw-collapsible-toggle > a:hover {
	font-weight: bold;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Template: Anchor ----------------------------------------- */
.anchor {
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	top: -100px;
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	visibility: hidden;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Template: Nowrap --------------------------------------------- */
.nowrap {
	white-space: nowrap;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Template: Note ----------------------------------------------------- */
.note-text {
	color: var(--custom-note-dark-color);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- "terraria" box style. ------------------------------------------*/
.terraria {
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.terraria > .heading:first-child,
.terraria > .mw-collapsible-content > .heading:first-child,
.terraria > .heading:nth-of-type(1),
.terraria > .mw-collapsible-content > .heading:nth-of-type(1) {
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.terraria > .heading + *,
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.terraria > .mw-collapsible-toggle > .mw-collapsible-bracket {
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.terraria > .mw-collapsible-toggle:before {
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.terraria > .mw-collapsible-toggle:after {
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.terraria > {
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.terraria > .boxtitle {
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	font-size: 80%;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ".center" has width=100% rule, we don't want it, so use a different class name. */
.align-center {
	 text-align: center;

/* -- item link ----------------------------------------------------- */
.item-link {
	white-space: nowrap;
	display: inline-block;
.item-link > a, 
.item-link > img { 
	display: inline-block;
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.item-link > span {
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.item-link > a:first-child,
.item-link > img:first-child,
.item-link > span:first-child {
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.item-link.-w > span {
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.item-link .note {
	color: #666;
	font-size: 85.7142%; /*12px/14px*/
.item-link div.note { /*note2*/
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.item-link span.note {
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.item-link.-w span.note:last-child {
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.item-link.boldname > span span:first-child {
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.item-link.notecolor span.note {
	color: inherit;
.item-link.note2color div.note {
	color: inherit;
.item-link.block > span {
	display: block;
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.item-link.note2size div.note {
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	font-size: 85.7142%; /*12px/14px*/
.item-link.alignleft {
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.item-link.aligncenter {
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.item-link.alignright {
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.item-link.textleft > span {
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.item-link.textcenter > span {
	text-align: center;
.item-link.textright > span {
	text-align: right;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Infobox & infobox wrapper template style ---------------------- */
/* some rules just kept for "old" template. */
.infobox td,
.infobox th {
	vertical-align: top; 
.infobox caption {
	font-size: larger;
	margin-left: inherit;
.infobox.bordered {
	border-collapse: collapse;
.infobox.bordered td,
.infobox.bordered th {
	border: 1px var(--theme-border-color) solid;
.infobox.bordered .borderless td,
.infobox.bordered .borderless th {
	border: 0;
/* Latest version */
.infobox {
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	padding: 5px;
	float: right;
	font-size: 12px;
	background-color: var(--theme-page-background-color);
	margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em;
.infobox * {
	background: none;
@media(max-width:450px) {
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.infobox.float-right {
	float: right;
	margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em;
.infobox.float-left {
	float: left;
	margin: 0 1em 0.5em 0;
.infobox.float-none {
	float: none;
	margin: 0 1em 0.5em 0;
table .infobox {
	padding: 3px;
.infobox table {
	background-color: transparent;
	width: 100%;
	border-spacing: 0;
.infobox table th {
	white-space: nowrap;
	padding: 2px;
	text-align: right;
	width: 5em;
	vertical-align: middle;
.infobox table td {
	padding: 2px;
	vertical-align: middle;
.infobox .title {
	background-color: var(--theme-accent-color);
	color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);
	font-weight: bold;
	text-align: center;
	padding: 2px 0;
.infobox > .title {
	font-size: 15px;
	padding: 6px 3px;
	line-height: 1.2;
.infobox > .title > span {
	display: block;
	font-size: 12px;
	color: slategray;
	font-style: italic;
.infobox > .title > span::before {
	content: "(";
	font-style: normal;
.infobox > .title > span::after {
	content: ")";
	font-style: normal;
.infobox .content-section {
	padding: 6px 3px;
.infobox .variant {
	background-color: var(--theme-accent-color);
	color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);
	font-weight: bold;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 12px;
	padding: 4px 0;
	line-height: 1.2;
.infobox .images {
	position: relative;
	padding: 6px 0;
	min-height: 40px;
	text-align: center;
	display: flex;
	flex-direction: column;
	justify-content: center;
	align-items: center;
.infobox .images > img {
	margin-top: 0.5em;
.infobox ul {
	list-style: none;
	margin: auto;
	text-align: center;
/* Custom tidbits */
.infobox .stat td > small {
	font-size: 10.5px;
	font-weight: bold;
.infobox .stat td > small::before{
	content: "(";
.infobox .stat td > small::after{
	content: ")";

/* .infobox .statistics .title {
	margin-bottom: 6px;
.infobox .statistics table th,
.infobox .statistics table td {
	padding-top: 3px;
	padding-bottom: 3px;
.infobox tr.buff th,
.infobox tr.buff td {
	background-color: var(--theme-accent-color);
	border: 1px solid var(--theme-page-background-color);
.infobox tr.buff th {
	border-left: 0;
.infobox tr.buff td {
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	padding-left: 3px;
.infobox tr.buff td b {
	font-weight: bold;
	white-space: nowrap;
.infobox .section.buff table,
.infobox .section.debuff table {
	border-bottom: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color);
	margin-bottom: 0.25em;
.infobox .section.buff:after,
.infobox .section.debuff:after {
	content: "";
	display: block;
	height: 4px;
	margin-top: -7px;
	background: var(--theme-page-background-color);
.infobox .variant {
	margin-bottom: 2px;
.infobox .drops td:first-child {
	text-align: left;
.infobox .drops td:last-child {
	text-align: right;
.infobox .drops th:first-child {
	text-align: left;
	border-right: 0;
.infobox .section.drops {
	margin-top: 4px;
	/*margin-bottom: 6px;*/
.infobox table th {
	width: 1px;
/* Custom tidbits */
.infobox {
	margin: 2px auto;
.infobox .image2 {
	text-align: center;
	padding-top: 3px;

.infobox .drops.items {
	margin-top: 4px;
	margin-bottom: 1px;
.infobox .drops.items li {
	border-color: var(--theme-border-color);
	border-style: solid;
	border-width: 0;
	border-top-width: 1px;
	padding: 3px 0;
	margin-bottom: auto;
	display: flex;
	flex-wrap: nowrap;
	flex-direction: row;
	justify-content: space-between;
	align-items: center;
.infobox .drops.items li:first-child {
	background-color: var(--theme-accent-color);
	color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);
	padding: 2px 3px 0;
	border-top: 0;
.infobox .drops.items li > div {
	display: block;
.infobox .drops.items li > div:first-child {
	text-align: left;
.infobox .drops.items li > div:last-child {
	text-align: right;
/*.infobox .drops.items li:last-child {
	border-bottom: none;
.infobox .drops.items li.caption {
	border-top-width: 5px;
	padding-top: 5px;
	line-height: 1;
	text-align: center;
	color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);
	font-size: 10.5px;
	background: var(--theme-accent-color);
	display: block;
	position: relative;
.infobox .drops.items li.caption:before {
	content: "";
	display: block;
	height: 2px;
	width: 100%;
	background-color: var(--theme-page-background-color);
	position: absolute;
	top: -4px;
	left: 0;
.infobox .drops.items li.group_end{
	border-bottom-width: 2px;
	position: relative;
	margin-bottom: 2px;
.infobox .drops.items li.groupend {
	border-top-width: 2px;
	height: 0;
	padding: 1px 0;
	overflow: hidden;
.infobox .drops.items li.loot {
	border-width: 0;
	padding: 1px 0 1px 1.5em;
.infobox .drops.items li.loot > div:first-child:before {
	content: " • ";
.infobox .drops.items li.loot.caption > div:first-child:before {
	display: none;
.infobox .drops.items li.loot.caption,
.infobox .drops.items li.loot.groupend {
	margin-left: 1.5em;
.infobox .drops.items li.loot.caption {
	border-top-width: 1px;
	padding: 3px 0 2px 0;
.infobox .drops.items li.loot.caption:before {
	display: none;
.infobox .drops.items li.loot.groupend {
	border-bottom-width: 1px;
	padding: 0;
/* Template: Item infobox */
.item.infobox {
	width: 21em;
.item.infobox .images .auto, .infobox.item .images .stack {
	position: absolute;
	right: 3px;
.item.infobox .images .instrument {
	position: absolute;
	left: 3px;
.item.infobox .images .auto {
	top: 3px;
.item.infobox .images .stack, .item.infobox .images .instrument {
	bottom: 3px;
.item.infobox .images ul.inline li {
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 0 8px 0 9px;
	margin: 2px auto;
	position: relative;
	vertical-align: middle;
	line-height: 2px;
.item.infobox .images ul.inline > li::before {
	content: "";
	display: block;
	width: 1px;
	background: var(--theme-border-color);
	height: 80%;
	position: absolute;
	left: 0;
	top: 10%;
.item.infobox .images ul.infobox-inline > li:first-child {
	padding: 0 8px;
.item.infobox .images ul.inline > li:first-child::before {
	display: none;
.item.infobox .images ul.block > li {
	display: block;
	padding: 13px 0 0 0;
	margin: auto;
	position: relative;
.item.infobox .images hr {
	background-color: var(--theme-border-color);
	margin: 0.5em 0;
.item.infobox .images ul.block > li::before {
	content: "";
	display: block;
	height: 1px;
	background: var(--theme-border-color);
	width: 80%;
	position: absolute;
	left: 10%;
	top: 6px;
.item.infobox .images ul.block > li:first-child {
	padding-top: 0;
.item.infobox .images ul.block > li:first-child::before {
	display: none;
.item.infobox ul.toolpower {
	padding: 6px 0;
	cursor: help;
.item.infobox ul.toolpower li {
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 0 0.5em;
.item.infobox ul.toolpower .zero {
	 opacity: 0.5;
.item.infobox ul.toolpower li > img {
	width: 16px;
	height: 16px;
	object-fit: cover;
	object-position: 0 0;
/* Template: Npc infobox */
.npc.infobox {
	width: 23em;
.npc.infobox .statistics table th {
	width: 6em;
.npc.infobox .images .map {
	position: absolute;
	left: 3px;
	top: 3px;
/* Template: Infobox wrapper */
.infobox-wrapper.float-right {
	float: right;
	margin-left: 0.5em;
.infobox-wrapper.float-left {
	float: left;
	margin-right: 0.5em;
.infobox-wrapper.float-none {
	float: none;
@media(max-width:600px) {
	.infobox-wrapper.float-right {
		float: none;
		margin-left: auto;
	.infobox-wrapper.float-left {
		float: none;
		margin-right: auto;
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row-reverse .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-none {
	float: none;
	margin: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em;
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row-reverse .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row-reverse .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-right {
	float: none;
	margin: 0 0.5em 0.5em 0;
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column-reverse .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-right {
	float: left;
	margin: 0 0.5em 0.5em 0;
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column-reverse .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-right {
	float: right;
	margin: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em;
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-none {
	float: left;
	margin: 0 0.5em 0.5em 0;
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column-reverse .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column .infobox.float-right,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-right {
	float: right;
	margin: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em;
/* Template: Crafting recipe */
.craftbox {
	width: 240px;
	border: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color);
	border-radius: 8px;
	padding: 3px; /* should be 5 but something is off */
	background: var(--theme-page-background-color);
.craftboxtitle {
	background-color: var(--theme-accent-color);
	color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Template: Diagram */
table.diagram {
	border-spacing: 0;
	background: transparent;
table.diagram tr {
	height: 1px;
	text-align: center;
table.diagram td.l {
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	padding: 0.5em;
table.diagram td.n {
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table.diagram td.db {
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table.diagram td.dr {
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table.diagram {
	border-bottom-style: solid;
table.diagram {
	border-right-style: solid;
table.diagram td.nb {
	border-bottom-style: solid;
	border-bottom-color: transparent;
table.diagram {
	border-right-style: solid;
	border-right-color: transparent;
/* center dot fix */
table.diagram {
	position: relative;
table.diagram {
	content: "";
	display: block;
	position: absolute;
	width: 0.9px;
	height: 1px;
	border-bottom: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color);
	right: 0;
	bottom: 0;
.diagram-box {
	border-width: 2px;
	border-style: solid;
	border-color: var(--theme-border-color);
	border-radius: 7px;
	padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
table.diagram {
	border: none;
table.diagram td.craft-station {
	border: none;
	padding: 2px 0;
.crafting-tree {
	overflow: auto;
	padding: 0.5em 0;
	font-size: 12px;
	line-height: 1.25;
.crafting-tree .diagram {
	white-space: nowrap;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- multi-column list --------------------------------------------- */
/* correct webkit/chrome uneven margin on the first column*/
.responsive-columns ul, .responsive-columns ol{
.responsive-columns ul li:first-child, .responsive-columns ol li:first-child
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Template: Itemlist */
.itemlist > ul {
	list-style: none;
	margin: 0;
.itemlist > ul > li {
	width: 10em;
	margin: 0.25em 1em 0.25em auto;
	display: inline-block;

/* Template: Dotlist */
.dotlist {
	margin: auto;
.dotlist.inline {
	display: inline;
.dotlist > .title {
	font-weight: bold;
.dotlist.nobold > .title {
	font-weight: normal;
.dotlist > .title::after{
	content: " ";
	display: inline-block;
	width: 0.25em;
.dotlist > ul {
	display: inline; 
	list-style: none;
	margin: auto; /* please don't delete this line, we need it to remove default ul margin setting. */
.dotlist > ul > li {
	display: inline-block;
.dotlist.inline > ul > li {
	display: inline;
.dotlist > ul > li::after {
	content: "•";
	padding: 0 0.25em;
.dotlist.nodot > ul > li::after {
	 content: " ";
	 padding: 0;
	 margin: 0;
.dotlist > ul > li:last-child::after{
	display: none;
.dotlist.l > .title {
	margin-right: 0.4em;
.dotlist.l > ul > li::after {
	margin-left: 0.25em;
	margin-right: 0.25em;
.dotlist.xl > .title {
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.dotlist.xl > ul > li::after {
	margin-left: 0.5em;
	margin-right: 0.5em;
.dotlist.xxl > .title {
	margin-right: 1.2em;
.dotlist.xxl > ul > li::after {
	margin-left: 0.75em;
	margin-right: 0.75em;
.dotlist.xxxl > .title {
	margin-right: 1.6em;
.dotlist.xxxl > ul > li::after {
	margin-left: 1em;
	margin-right: 1em;
.dotlist.xxxxl > .title {
	margin-right: 2em;
.dotlist.xxxxl > ul > li::after {
	margin-left: 1.25em;
	margin-right: 1.25em;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ======================== Extensions ===============================*/

/* -- This is the style for the tabs of the tabber extension. ------- */
body ul.tabbernav li a,
body ul.tabbernav li a:link,
body ul.tabbernav li a:visited,
body ul.tabbernav li a:hover {
	border-radius: .5em .5em 0 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Template: Doc */
.feature, .documentation {
	background: var(--theme-page-background-color--secondary);
	border: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color);
	border-radius: 5px;
	padding: 10px;
	clear: both;

.documentation_header {
	 padding-bottom: 3px; 
	 border-bottom: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color);

/* For elements which only display in the mobile view */
.mobileonly {
	display: none;

/* Larger font for Module: code display (default is smaller than other code pages) */
pre.lua.source-lua {
	font-size:14px !important;

/* When title sub line is empty, remove its margin */
#contentSub:empty {
	 margin: 0 !important;

/* Framework */
body {
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body #pageWrapper {
	margin-right: 10px;

/* Template: Toc limit */
/* Allows limiting TOCs to generate links for only header levels 
	below a limit, for instance only level-3 (=== ===) and below. */
.toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,
.toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul,
.toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul,
.toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul,
.toclimit-6 .toclevel-5 ul,
.toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 ul {
	display: none !important;

.catlinks {
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	border: 1px ridge var(--theme-border-color);
	border-radius: .3em;
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/* other elements */
fieldset {
	margin-top: 0;

code {
	background-color: transparent;

/* More noticeable diff coloring */
.diff td.diff-context {
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	color: var(--theme-page-text-color);
	border-color: rgba(var(--theme-border-color--rgb), 0.5);
.diff td.diff-deletedline {
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	color: #000;
.diff td.diff-deletedline .diffchange {
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	color: #000;
.diff td.diff-addedline {
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	border-color: #A3D3FF;
	color: #000;
.diff td.diff-addedline .diffchange {
	background-color: #d8ecff;
	color: #000;

/* Ambox */
.ambox {
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	margin: 0 auto 2px auto;
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.ambox-gray {
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.ambox.ambox-tiny {
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	margin: 2px 0;
	width: auto;
.ambox + .ambox {
	margin-top: -2px;
.ambox-text {
	padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
.ambox-image {
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	text-align: center;
	width: 60px;
.ambox-tiny .ambox-image {
	padding: 2px 0.5em;
	text-align: left;
	width: auto;

/* Ambox colors */
.ambox-blue {
	border-left: 10px solid #1e90ff;
.ambox-red {
	border-left: 10px solid #b22222;
.ambox-orange {
	border-left: 10px solid #f28500;
.ambox-yellow {
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.ambox-purple {
	border-left: 10px solid #9932cc;
.ambox-gray {
	border-left: 10px solid #bba;
.ambox-green {
	border-left: 10px solid #228b22;

/* Ambox small text */
.amsmalltext {
	font-size: smaller;

/* For Template:Heading, mainly used in main page. */
div.heading {
	 background: var(--theme-accent-color);
	 padding: 5px;
	 margin-bottom: 0.5em;
	 font-weight: bold;
	 text-align: center;
	 color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);
	 font-size: 120%;

div.heading > span.rightimg {
	 float: right;

/* Template: Key */
div.key {
	 pointer-events: none;

div.key span {
	 cursor: pointer;
	 white-space: nowrap;
	 pointer-events: all;

div.key a:-webkit-any-link {
	 text-decoration: none;

/* Tables */
table {
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	 color: var(--theme-page-text-color);
	 /* we don't want the bottom borders of <h2>s to be visible through
	 * floated tables */
	 background-color: var(--theme-page-background-color);
	 /* fix 100% width table with border */
	 box-sizing: border-box;

.mw-specialpages-table {
	 margin-bottom: 0;
	 margin-top: 0;

/* "terraria"-classed tables */
table.terraria {
	/* border style is defined in common .terraria */
	margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0;
	/* padding: 2px; */
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table.terraria.navbox {
	margin: 0.5em auto 0;
	width: 80%;
@media(max-width:980px) {
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table.terraria.navbox td {
	padding: 0;
table.terraria.noborder {
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.terraria th,
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.terraria th {
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.terraria caption {
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.terraria > caption {
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/* ------------------ */

/* Custom list style for use in miniature bullet lists within infobox drop tables */
span.dropSub ul {
	list-style: none;
	margin-top: 0;
	margin-left: 0;
	padding-left: 0;
span.dropSub li {
	padding-left: 1em;
	text-indent: -1em;
span.dropSub li:before {
	content: "•";
/* ------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Desktop view for mobile screen. */
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ========================================================================== */
/* mobile.css doesn't need this part.													  */
/* ========================================================================== */
/* Forces the page to have a vertical scroll bar to avoid width jitter caused by page content changes. */
body {
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/* Specific pages */
#table-first-left td:first-child {text-align: left;}

#wings-table {font-size: 85%;}
#wings-table td:last-child {font-size: 95%; text-align: left;}
#wings-table td:first-child {text-align: left;}

#table-portable-light-source td:first-child,
#table-portable-light-source td:nth-child(2) {text-align: left;}
#table-buffs td:last-child,
#table-buffs td:nth-child(2) {text-align: center;}

#table-Accessories td:last-child {text-align: center;}

#table-Blocks td:nth-child(2) {text-align: center;}

#table-other td:nth-child(2) {text-align: center;}

.ib {display: inline-block;}

.box {
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.fit-24 a {width: 24px; text-align: center;}

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/* Main page css */
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#main-section .mclist li {
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.footer {
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.footer > div span {
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/* Template: Infocard */ 
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	align-items: center;
	align-content: center;	
.infocard > .intro {
	margin: 1em 0;
	min-width: 200px;
.infocard > .outro {
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	min-width: 200px;
.infocard > .box {
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.infocard > .intro:first-child,
.infocard > .outro:first-child,
.infocard > .box:first-child {
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.infocard > .intro:last-child,
.infocard > .outro:last-child,
.infocard > .box:last-child {
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.infocard > .intro > .box,
.infocard > .outro > .box {
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.infocard > .intro > .box:last-child,
.infocard > .outro > .box:last-child {
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.infocard .box > .title {
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	padding: 0 1em 0 0.5em;
	min-width: 5em;
	border-left: 0.5em solid transparent;
.infocard .box > .title > span {
	font-weight: lighter;
	font-size: 1.5em;
.infocard .box > .content {
	margin-top: 1em;
.infocard .box > .content:first-child {
	margin-top: 4px;
.infocard .heading {
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.infocard.small {
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.infocard.compact {
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.infocard.compact .main-heading {
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.infocard.compact > .main-heading,
.infocard.compact .intro:first-child > .main-heading:first-child,
.infocard.compact .outro:first-child > .main-heading:first-child {
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.infocard.compact .main-heading .hgroup {
	padding: 0 0.5em;
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.infocard.compact .main-heading .hgroup > :first-child,
.infocard.compact .main-heading .hgroup > :last-child {
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.infocard.compact .main-heading .hgroup > .main {
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.infocard.compact .main-heading .hgroup > .main span {
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.infocard.compact > .intro {
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.infocard.compact > .outro {
	margin: 0.5em 0;
.infocard.compact > .box {
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.infocard.compact > .intro:first-child,
.infocard.compact > .outro:first-child,
.infocard.compact > .box:first-child {
	margin-top: 0;
.infocard.compact > .intro:last-child,
.infocard.compact > .outro:last-child,
.infocard.compact > .box:last-child {
	margin-bottom: 0;
.infocard.compact > .intro > .box,
.infocard.compact > .outro > .box {
	margin: 0 0 0.5em 0;
.infocard.compact > .intro > .box:last-child,
.infocard.compact > .outro > .box:last-child {
	margin: 0;

.infocard.compact .box {
	padding: 0.5em;
.infocard.compact .box > .title {
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	padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.25em;
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.infocard.compact .box > .title > span {
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.infocard.compact .box > .content {
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.infocard.compact .box > .content:first-child {
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.infocard.compact .box > .content:first-child {
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.infocard.compact .heading {
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.infocard.compact > .card {
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.infocard.compact > .card .content {
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.infocard.compact > .card .content > .intro {
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.infocard.compact > .card .content > dl {
	margin: 0.5em 0;
.infocard.compact > .card .content dt {
	margin-top: 0.5em;
.infocard.compact > .card .content > .outro {
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.infocard.compact .main-heading .icon {
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.infocard.terraria .main-heading .hgroup {
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/* Template: Value */
.coins {
	 white-space: nowrap;
.coins s {
	 display: none;
/* Template: Donator */
.donator {
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	margin: .5em auto;
	border: 1px solid var(--custom-notice-blue-border-color);
	padding: .3em 1.3em .2em;
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	border-radius: .6em;
	background: var(--custom-notice-blue-background-color);
	color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);

/* Template: Color box */
.color-box {
	display: inline-block;
	margin: 1px 0;
	vertical-align: middle;

/* Fix for objects with too wide/narrow padding */
/* Make wider */
.wide {
	padding: 5px;
/* Make narrower */
.narrow {
	padding: 3px;